Argentina attended EXPOLINGUA 2016
INPROTUR was present at the largest fair of students from Germany.
The Ministry of Tourism of the Nation, through the National Institute of Tourism (INPROTUR), attended by the Cordoba Tourism Agency and the Association of Language Centres (SEA) of the 19th edition EXPOLINGUA on 18 and 19 November 2016 in the city of Berlin, capital of the Federal Republic of Germany.
EXPOLINGUA is the largest fair of students from Germany, which is conducted annually. It calls for students of all academic levels, exchange agencies, universities and language, among others, who find the show a wide range of suppliers of high-quality education. This transforms it into one of the strongest in the recruitment of German students are pursuing their undergraduate, postgraduate or languages outside events.
The main educational institutions in Europe, as well as specialized agents and the press, were present. It should be noted that the Latin American region participated only Argentina and the Republic of Guatemala.
The aim of the presence Argentina was promoting and disseminating our country as a destination that offers excellent opportunities for students and professionals from anywhere in the world. The fair also provided the ability to maintain productive contacts with students of secondary level or grade, teachers, academics, managers and other actors of educational institutions in Europe.
It is important to remember that the city of Cordoba receive in 2019 the 8th edition of the International Congress of the Spanish Language.
Moreover, EXPOLINGUA served to continue positioning our country in the European market and particularly in Germany. For receptive tourism in our country, Germany is one of the priority markets in Europe – along with Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands and United Kingdom. Fortunately, many students were interested in Argentine destinations and showed great satisfaction with the stand INPROTUR and displays that were made in it.
The national delegation – which was pleased to receive a visit from representatives of the Argentina Embassy in Germany – also had the opportunity to make a presentation on Argentina as a tourist destination and brand share Argentina World Friendly.
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