

16 million International Visitors visited Turkey between Jan-August 2021

Just in the month of August 2021, 4 million foreign visitors visited Turkey 112 million citizens received the vaccination in different stages The population of Turkey is 83 million The

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TAAI Welcomes MHA’s Move to Re-start Tourist-Visa

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SriLankan Airlines uplifted largest vaccine consignment to Sri Lanka

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Fully vaccinated travellers can now enter Switzerland

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Turkey to further ease restrictions on travellers from 1st July

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A Peek Inside the World of Destination Marketing: A Guide to the Roles and Responsibilities of DMOs

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Travel Trade

Budget 2021: No end to official apathy towards the tourism industry

The industry is deeply disappointed with the Union Budget 2021-22 as it could not live up to their expectations. The Budget did not offer any immediate and direct support to