Clarks Inn- the fastest growing hotel company in India

Clarks Inn- the fastest growing hotel company in India

Company’s portfolio count stands at 80 hotel properties, including over 40 in operation, across 17 states in India and one in Nepal in just over 11 years of operation.

Very few hotel companies in India have successfully leveraged the growth potential that Indian market offers. And the list significantly narrows down when we consider home grown hotel companies and brands. In essence, there have been many start-ups but few successes. However, it has been a different story for one company that flaunts its USP as ‘Inns that care’ attracting independent hotel owners, developers and potential investors to make a beeline to partner with it.

In business for just over a decade now, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels has emerged as probably the biggest success story on India’s hospitality landscape, particularly in the last few years. Today, in a span of just over 11 years, company’s corporate catch phrase has spread across India and beyond in Nepal where it is gearing to open its first international property early next year.

An astute leader with over four decades of experience in the hotel industry, S N Srivastava, President & Co-founder, Clarks Inn Group of Hotels, helped formed this company over 11 years ago and has led this growth from the front. “Clarks Inn Group of Hotels is a Hotel Management company that was formed in 2006 in the wake of huge demand-supply gap that existed in the budget and mid-market hotel space.” he informs.

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