Gujarat Tourism Policy 2015-20 gives industry status to tourism

Gujarat Tourism Policy 2015-20 gives industry status to tourism

Policy will offer capital subsidy for setting up new hotels in Gujarat.
In order to promote tourism in the state, Gujarat government under the leadership of Chief Minister Anandiben Patel announced the new tourism policy. Saurabhbhai Patel, Minister for Tourism, Government of Gujarat said that “Since the foundation of Gujarat state, it is for the first time that Tourism sector has been granted status of an industry under the leadership of Honorable Chief Minister Anandiben Patel. With this initiative, tourism sector will now get all the benefits that industry gets. The policy aims to create employment opportunities for over 20 lakh people by year 2025 with reforms in skills and knowledge development. This new Tourism Policy is expected to attract fresh investments to the tune of Rs. 15,000 crore. The new policy will give greater encouragement for self-employment. Professionals in Khadi, Handicraft and other such sector will also benefit a lot.

Highlight of New Tourism Policy 2015-2020 Vision
To position Gujarat as a vibrant tourist destination, with an emphasis on improving visitor experience, livelihood linkages, environmental concerns and enhancing investment opportunities. Mission

(1) To unlock the immense untapped/under tapped potential of tourism in the state

(2) To develop tourism products and strengthen infrastructure

(3) To undertake tourism-specific skill development leading to gainful employment and self-employment especially for the local populace

(4) To preserve and upgrade environment as also to encourage responsible tourism in the state

(5) To create an investment-friendly policy framework and suitably ensure access to requisite tourist infrastructural facilities

(6) To focus on promotion and branding of Gujarat as a leading tourist destination the world over. Objectives

(1) To make Gujarat one amongst the top five tourist states of India in terms of local, national and international tourists footfalls by 2025

(2) To attract the MICE segment by creating convention/exhibition facility and support infrastructure

(3) To leverage innovative forms of tourism such as adventure, cruise, event-based, inland waterways, medical and others

(4) To develop diverse tourism packages and products to augment tourist stay and encourage repeat visits

(5) To promote tourism for all segments off the society especially facilitating senior citizens, the differently-abled, homemakers, farmers and students by ensuring affordable accommodation and travel circuits

(6) To provide tourism infrastructure in terms of tourist information, transport services, accommodation and way-side amenities

(7) To enhance the use of ICT in the sector and further improve the quality of services

(8) To upgrade skills, knowledge and professionalism and promote employment opportunities for additional two million persons by 2025

(9) To promote responsible tourism in the state and develop tourism products in an environment friendly manner

(10) To create enabling framework for public-private partnerships in developing tourism products, projects and services

Policy period and coverage
This policy shall come into force with effect from the date of issuance of the policy GR and shall remain in force till 31st March, 2020 or till the declaration of a new or revised policy, whichever is earlier.

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