How to make most of travelling in the lean season

You must be wondering what is lean season? Well, in the tourism world, any period of travel classically falls into the three categories: low season (also called as off-season or lean period), shoulder season and high season (also called as peak season). In India, the monsoon months and exam season are typically categorised as the lean period. This lean season or period is very beneficial for travellers looking for budget vacations with all the amenities. To guide you in this regard, TnH has listed some of ways to take best advantage of lean season.

Choose the time: As mentioned earlier, the most important part of lean season travel is picking the right time to go for vacation at places around in India or around the world. For this, it is important to know lean seasons of various destinations. Once you know the particular time of the destination where you wish to go for vacations than it will easier to for you to book hotels at reasonable budget.

Select the right place:During September, Goa and Kerala (which are some of the best tourist destinations in India) offer great bargains. So, for you it is quite possible to plan a trip to such destinations at quite economical price in August and September (peak season there due to the lean season there). These two destinations are just suggestions; you can hunt for your own place for vacations as well.

Look for best deals on airfare: During lean season also means that airfare to places, mainly popular with tourists becomes lower than usual. This will surely save your money on travelling from one place to another. To deal with the season, many of the airlines provide multiple offers made available (especially by budget airlines). Taking benefit of that, you can get a good deal for a trip during your selected period of travel.

Look for local options: Prior to making any booking, be it hotel or flight; always check out if famous local places will be open during your period of stay. For instance, in India, most of the sanctuaries are shut to the public during the monsoon, as are shacks at famous beach getaways. With this knowledge you are well informed for choice regarding whether you still want to visit this place or go to another place.

More Resourceful: Always remember that one of the best perks of making travel plans during lean season is that you can get best of everything in your budget. You can negotiate with shopkeepers for better bargains, get local cabs to give you a better rate and persuade tour operators to offer you a discount. In fact, you can use the extra money to make your stay longer at a particular place or visit more in the neighborhood.

So, what are you waiting for? Get ready to take great benefits of lean season and make your holidays memorable!

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