Impotant Tips to Travel Safe with Kids

Travel gives fun, but most parents avoid travelling with their kids due to various reasons. Like, they will have to stick to a sleep schedule that includes naps, carrying volume of necessary stuff and much more. Experience of new culture, food, music, and ways of living is part of the fun for adults, but it can prove too much for kids. Still, with a good deal of planning and thought, you can travel with children. However, before doing so, have a quick look at our list of safety tips when travelling with kids. By keeping these in mind, you can keep your family health, happy and safe…

Be like locals

As they say, “When in Rome, do as Romans do!” Instead of standing out like a sore thumb in crowd, learn about the local dress codes as well as the laws of the region you are planning to visit. Dress and try to behave like locals in order to avoid being recognised as tourists. It will also help to gel with locals and also, make your chances less of being target of pick pockets.

Plan itinerary for every single day

If you’ve been to a common tourist attraction like zoo or Water Park, you must know by now that they are busy places. So, you can get your sightseeing trips to run smoothly if you leave your accommodation with a clear plan. Remember to keep handy your tickets, map out how you will be going there, and leave plenty of time so that you don’t feel rushed or stressed.

Dress to impress

You must note that kids are likely to get lost or separated in crowded region so you must plan something to keep track of them. An interesting idea to keep check on them is to make them wear colourful clothes. Dress them in bright, discrete colours during the day so that you can spot them easily in a crowd. Even you can liven up their evening with some fun multicoloured glow sticks which will serve as a fun and easy way to identify them in the dark area.

Take photos

We all know that taking group family photos is fun facet of any family holiday and one which can also be used to keep you all safe. At the beginning of every day, just take a photo of your family and make sure each of your children carries the same image with them. If you become separated, all you or your kids have to do is show this picture to officials and it will easily help you to locate one another.

Emergency contact details

At crowded or unknown places, there is a lot of chance for kids to get lost. So, make sure they know your phone numbers off by heart (age dependent of course). Besides, you can also put an arm band or give them a notebook with a range of details on them; including emergency contacts, their name, age, blood group, and accommodation contact information (hotel details etc). If you can place these details inside a waterproof bag, your child can carry it at all times without any little hassle.

Identify people for help

In case of separation, practice and show your children how to identify officials, which include police officers or security personnel, as well as mums with children. You can try a mock drill just to check if they become lost they will be more likely to seek help from trustworthy and right people.

Identify landmarks

Whenever you arrive at any crowded place, like at any theme park or train station, you must pick an information desk, statue or shop, which can act as a landmark meeting place. Make your kids repeat these meeting places back to you, so that in case they become lost they’ll know where to find you.

Carry emergency medicines

Last but not the least; you must carry the medicine related to you and your kids. Medicines like crocin, cough syrup (as children are prone to cold when climate changes) and diarrhea tablets etc. So, keep these tips in mind and enjoy your holidays with family!

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