Land of Silk Route allures Indian travel bugs

Land of Silk Route allures Indian travel bugs

With a view to mark the advent of Buddhism in China through Silk Route, China Tourism has tagged the current period as “2015-Year of Silk Road Tourism.”

The Dragon country and India have a connection dating back to 1st century A.D. Both the countries enjoy age-old cultural and spiritual ties. Both India and China have been close neighbours and share common links in the field of travel and tourism. Both the countries have joined hands to build strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in contemporary times. Tourism can pave the path to friendship and cooperation.

In an attempt to bolster the ties and to bring a surge in tourist flow between the two countries, China National Tourism has declared “Visit India Year in China in 2015” in Beijing sometime in February, this year. Li Qianguo, Director, China National Tourist Office informed, “The year 2016 will be themed as Visit China Year in India that would boost two-way tourism and consolidate the bond between citizens of both countries. Both India and China will have a host of promotional events. The current year is also designated as Beautiful China, 2015- Year of Silk Road Tourism. Buddhism heralded in China through Silk Route sometime in 2nd century AD”.

It’s been past a couple of years that China Tourism’s Beautiful China campaign is on in full swing in major metros of India like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and in smaller cities like Pune, Amritsar and Ludhiana. Li Qianguo said, “India is an emerging tourist market for China and is attracting a plethora of attention these days.

Efforts to foster two-way tourism between India and China:

•  Visit India Year in China in 2015.
•  Visit China Year in India in 2016.
•  The current year is Year of Silk Road Tourism.

"Buddhism heralded in China through Silk Route sometime in 2nd century AD."

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